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We mission


Amberwood Academy follows a child-centered program in which children feature hands-on active learning experiences throughout the work in different centers. These centers include activities that influence their evolutionary development, through the interaction with specific materials, other children and under the guidance of the teacher.

The centers are adapted to the different developmental stages of children from 12 months to 5 years old and include: the area of reading and relaxation, the area of dramatic play, the manipulation area, the area of blocks, the social area and the science area. The opportunity of playing facilitates to develop abilities for problem solving, social interaction and communication, at the same time as the cognitive development and motor coordination.

The family/parents-oriented philosophy is a fundamental part of the pre-school program. Our communication is facilitated by posting monthly calendars of the activities, bulletin boards of the monthly news, conferences, written registries, staffing and special events through the school year. It encourages parents to become active members of the Center.






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